2007年10月25日 星期四

No Pains, No Gains

There is scarcely anyone who hasn't heard the proverb,"No pains, no gains." It means that we cannot achieve success in anything without effort and sacrifice. At first sight, this may seem to be not quite true, for we can think of examples of people who have gained much without any trouble to themselves. A man who happens to have been born the son of millionaire will get great wealth on the death of his father without any effort on his part, and people sometimes win the large sum of money in a lottery without the slightest effort. But such cases of luck are exceptional, and cannot be counted on. For most people, it remains true that success can be won only at the cost of hard work.

Useful words: scarcely , sacrifice , wealth , slight , exceptional .
Essential sentence pattern:
1.count on(=depend on;rely on)
He is a man of his word; you can count on him.
2.at the cost of (=at the expense of)
He fulfilled his mission at the cost of his own life.

A Stray Dog

The sight of stray dogs is increasing common in Taiwan. It is reported that there are about two million stray dogs; that is, one dog for every ten people. And these dogs have not only damaged our environment but posed a threat to our health snd safety. Since the dogs create a serious problem for us, the government has decided to kill them. As a result, some dogs are starved or electrocuted, and others are drowned or buried alive.
Though killing these stray dogs seems a solution, it has also excited much criticism among a public. Many people believe that dogs are man's most loyal friends andpeople should't treat them in this way. Moreover, they feel people have no right to take the lives of animals. Hence, they offer some suggestions; for example, the government should educate people to take good care of their pets and increase their awareness of the cruelty of abandoning animals. Besides,the government should build more shelters for unwanted animals. It is believed that these methods can help improve the dogs' living conditions and ease the problem.

Useful words: environment , starve , alive , criticism , loyal , cruelty , abandon , shelter .
Essential sentence pattern:
1.increasingly(=more and more)
The environmental pollution problem is becoming increasingly serious.
2.pose a threat/menace to
The cars on the streets pose a threat to our safety.

My willing choose this article is because I love a dog very much.
Read this article I am very sad, because a lot of people all the divertive mindset is exciting under keep a pet, but neglected to keep the pain of pet. When we keep the pet , we need to take a shower to tidy up excrement to still need to bring them to play for them, when they in bad mood, we have to comfort them, and we have to teach them a lot of things.I feel everyone should have benevolence, patience, and responsibility.
Besides, the government should handle the problem carefully.Do not use the inhumane way to destory stray dogs.
I hope that all the cute dogs can have a home full of love and warmness.

2007年10月11日 星期四

The Taunton Family---Children's Home

Have you ever considered adopting a child in need? How about 200 children? It would certainly take a big heart and a lot of work to care for that many kids. But that's exactly what David and Abigail Tanuton have done. Over the past 25 years, the Tauntons have raised over 200 disadventage children in their home.
Today, they continue to provide nurturing and supportive family enviroment for up to 34 children at one time. They're able to do this with a little help from some good friends.
David and Abiggail took in their first child in 1987. At the time, their home in Gulf Coast, Florida, could accommodate up to 15 childern. But after a few years, they discovered that one home was not enough.
Today, they have three houses. Sixteen children live in the main house. A second home has room for eight boys, and a third home can accommodate 10 girls. Volunteer Christian parents assist the Tauntons by running each home. Their goal is to help each child achieve physical fitness, education excellence and spiritual well-being.
The concept for the children's home was inspired by David's father, Luke dreamed of helping homeless childern, but he had 13 children of his own. He wasn't financially able to take care of many other children. But he had a benevolent heart, so he did take needy children into their home from time to time.
David says his father had a special love for children, whether or not they were his own. This made an impression on David. He decided to make his father's dream a reality.
Today, this dream has enable many trouble kids to become successful adults. Chester, one of Taunton's adopted childern, came from an abusive home. Before he moved to the Taunton's, he was failing school. With their help,he graduated from high school with honor and is now studying at a university.
What is the secret to turning around a child's life? According to David, It's love. "The more [love] you give away, the more you have left to give," he says. "We've seen the magic, and we know it works."

useful words: adopt , disadvantage , accommodate , spiritual , concept , benevolent
idiom: turn around something
phrase: with honor

I am very adore the couple in the article, they have been having 13 children, and they adopt over 200 children who need help.
They have cheritable heart, and be more patient than others. They also devote a lot of efforts and money to raise so many kids. The Tauntons breed them attentively, make them get the best education, in order to let them learn everything together with other children, and grow naturally. Most important,the Tountons make these children keep healthy body and mind.
Because of this couple, these kids' life have changed a lot, it has became more and more wonderful and colorful.