2007年12月30日 星期日

Wanted:Workers With Foreign Language Skills

Foreign language skills give you an edge in today's job market. Proficiency in English and Chinese is an especially desirable combination. English and Chinese are the two most-spoken languages in the world.
Many Western companies continue to expand rapidly into Chinese speaking regions of Asia. At the same time, Chinese- speaking companies are increasing their presence in West. As a reslut, both Western and Asian companies need Chinese-speaking workers who have strong English skills. Some local employers, such as Taiwan-based computer company Acer, have even made English their official company language.
Proficiency in both language can help workers gain accessto the best job. Many chinese- speaking companies require that all managers possess excellent English skills.
But a big income and a high-level position aren't the only perks. A career that requires two languages can creat other rewarding opportunities to travel or meet people from other countries.
Workers with skills in both language also benefit the employer. They can help companies avoid the misunderstandings that often occur when people from different clutures do business.
Let's look at two interesting careers in which English and Chinese speakers are in demand.

Web site translators
After English, Chinese is the second most-used language on the Internet. From October 2004 to July 2005, the number of Chinese-speaking Web surfers increased by 18 million.
English-speaking employers want their Web sites translated into Chinese. But Chinese skills alone are not enough. Employers need Chinese-speaking workers who also have the language skills to understand English Web content. Such people will be sought after by Western companies to fill these translation jobs.

Business and marketing researchers
Many Western companies need employees who can market their products to Chinese-speaking customer. Similarly, Chinese-speaking employers need workers who can make their products desirable to Western buyers. Strong language skills are must in this type of job. A good businese sense and marketing know-how are also essential.

The need for proficiency in more than one language is unlikely to change. Knowing both English and Chinese can open up a world of opportunities. Consider how you can use your language skills in your career.

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The article is talk about that knowing the world's two most-spoken language can make you twice as important to employers. Be good at both languages can help workers gain access to the best job.
Chinese-speaking companies become more and more importmant in the West. And many English-speaking companies expand to Aisa rapidly.
With skills in both languages is not only can open up the world of opportunities but also can avoid the misunderstanding between people from different conturies and different cultures.

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Word Bank
1.give someone an edge
2.proficiency -have great knowledge and ability on something
3.possess -to own, to have, to hold
4.in demand-something or someone people are desire
5.sought after -burning to the touch
6.marketing -commercial, sale
7.know-how -knack, skill, and knowledge
8.open up a world of opportunities

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After I read this article I have some thoughts:

This article has close relation with us. Nowadays both English-speaking and Chinese-speaking company are extended. Learning more than one language can lead to better jobs and excutung opportunities to travel and meet people from other countries.
I am major in English, I must study hard so that I have more chance to lead to better job and have more chance to enter the company what I want.
In addition, if I proficient in two most-spoken languages I can avoid a lot misunderstand and quarrel can be altercated.
Many careers need a person who proficient in more than one language, such as journalism, people who speak both languages are needed in the areas of print and broadcast journalism.

2007年11月29日 星期四

A Dream

A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep heart's core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living.
I have a dream. It is d dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils. When my dream comes true, all men will be truly equal, happy, and free.

2007年11月1日 星期四

A College Education

Many people do not realize the full value of college education. A college education is not only just classes, textbook, and professor. The real vaule of a college education is the experience gained. Most of us grow up in a very insular enviornment. Growing up within the family is a healthy thing as it allows us to develop basic beliefs and custums. We learn how to live on a daily basis, and to deal with siblings and with parents. But everything is done within the family structure. Once this basic foundation has been laid, it is time for the next step. The next step is to experience away from the confines of home and family.
The college experience allows us to build on what we have learned at home. It allows us to meet people of different races, culture, and creeds. The experience of meeting, and living with people who are far different than we are is vastly rewarding. For the first time we share ideas and follow the customs we have never experienced at home. Perhaps we encounter different religious beliefs. Suddenly we are faced with choices that we alone can make. For most of us, the college experience is our first time away from home, an experience allows us to spread our wings, and to deal with life on our own without the safety net of our family. Yet it is a very important part of growing up.

Useful words: confine , rewarding , engage , custom.
Essental Sentence Pattern:
1.grow up:The need to grow up will unvigorate the class as well as the professor.
2.build on:The belief in free choicewas a rewarding concept for each student to build on.

2007年10月25日 星期四

No Pains, No Gains

There is scarcely anyone who hasn't heard the proverb,"No pains, no gains." It means that we cannot achieve success in anything without effort and sacrifice. At first sight, this may seem to be not quite true, for we can think of examples of people who have gained much without any trouble to themselves. A man who happens to have been born the son of millionaire will get great wealth on the death of his father without any effort on his part, and people sometimes win the large sum of money in a lottery without the slightest effort. But such cases of luck are exceptional, and cannot be counted on. For most people, it remains true that success can be won only at the cost of hard work.

Useful words: scarcely , sacrifice , wealth , slight , exceptional .
Essential sentence pattern:
1.count on(=depend on;rely on)
He is a man of his word; you can count on him.
2.at the cost of (=at the expense of)
He fulfilled his mission at the cost of his own life.

A Stray Dog

The sight of stray dogs is increasing common in Taiwan. It is reported that there are about two million stray dogs; that is, one dog for every ten people. And these dogs have not only damaged our environment but posed a threat to our health snd safety. Since the dogs create a serious problem for us, the government has decided to kill them. As a result, some dogs are starved or electrocuted, and others are drowned or buried alive.
Though killing these stray dogs seems a solution, it has also excited much criticism among a public. Many people believe that dogs are man's most loyal friends andpeople should't treat them in this way. Moreover, they feel people have no right to take the lives of animals. Hence, they offer some suggestions; for example, the government should educate people to take good care of their pets and increase their awareness of the cruelty of abandoning animals. Besides,the government should build more shelters for unwanted animals. It is believed that these methods can help improve the dogs' living conditions and ease the problem.

Useful words: environment , starve , alive , criticism , loyal , cruelty , abandon , shelter .
Essential sentence pattern:
1.increasingly(=more and more)
The environmental pollution problem is becoming increasingly serious.
2.pose a threat/menace to
The cars on the streets pose a threat to our safety.

My willing choose this article is because I love a dog very much.
Read this article I am very sad, because a lot of people all the divertive mindset is exciting under keep a pet, but neglected to keep the pain of pet. When we keep the pet , we need to take a shower to tidy up excrement to still need to bring them to play for them, when they in bad mood, we have to comfort them, and we have to teach them a lot of things.I feel everyone should have benevolence, patience, and responsibility.
Besides, the government should handle the problem carefully.Do not use the inhumane way to destory stray dogs.
I hope that all the cute dogs can have a home full of love and warmness.

2007年10月11日 星期四

The Taunton Family---Children's Home

Have you ever considered adopting a child in need? How about 200 children? It would certainly take a big heart and a lot of work to care for that many kids. But that's exactly what David and Abigail Tanuton have done. Over the past 25 years, the Tauntons have raised over 200 disadventage children in their home.
Today, they continue to provide nurturing and supportive family enviroment for up to 34 children at one time. They're able to do this with a little help from some good friends.
David and Abiggail took in their first child in 1987. At the time, their home in Gulf Coast, Florida, could accommodate up to 15 childern. But after a few years, they discovered that one home was not enough.
Today, they have three houses. Sixteen children live in the main house. A second home has room for eight boys, and a third home can accommodate 10 girls. Volunteer Christian parents assist the Tauntons by running each home. Their goal is to help each child achieve physical fitness, education excellence and spiritual well-being.
The concept for the children's home was inspired by David's father, Luke dreamed of helping homeless childern, but he had 13 children of his own. He wasn't financially able to take care of many other children. But he had a benevolent heart, so he did take needy children into their home from time to time.
David says his father had a special love for children, whether or not they were his own. This made an impression on David. He decided to make his father's dream a reality.
Today, this dream has enable many trouble kids to become successful adults. Chester, one of Taunton's adopted childern, came from an abusive home. Before he moved to the Taunton's, he was failing school. With their help,he graduated from high school with honor and is now studying at a university.
What is the secret to turning around a child's life? According to David, It's love. "The more [love] you give away, the more you have left to give," he says. "We've seen the magic, and we know it works."

useful words: adopt , disadvantage , accommodate , spiritual , concept , benevolent
idiom: turn around something
phrase: with honor

I am very adore the couple in the article, they have been having 13 children, and they adopt over 200 children who need help.
They have cheritable heart, and be more patient than others. They also devote a lot of efforts and money to raise so many kids. The Tauntons breed them attentively, make them get the best education, in order to let them learn everything together with other children, and grow naturally. Most important,the Tountons make these children keep healthy body and mind.
Because of this couple, these kids' life have changed a lot, it has became more and more wonderful and colorful.