2007年11月1日 星期四

A College Education

Many people do not realize the full value of college education. A college education is not only just classes, textbook, and professor. The real vaule of a college education is the experience gained. Most of us grow up in a very insular enviornment. Growing up within the family is a healthy thing as it allows us to develop basic beliefs and custums. We learn how to live on a daily basis, and to deal with siblings and with parents. But everything is done within the family structure. Once this basic foundation has been laid, it is time for the next step. The next step is to experience away from the confines of home and family.
The college experience allows us to build on what we have learned at home. It allows us to meet people of different races, culture, and creeds. The experience of meeting, and living with people who are far different than we are is vastly rewarding. For the first time we share ideas and follow the customs we have never experienced at home. Perhaps we encounter different religious beliefs. Suddenly we are faced with choices that we alone can make. For most of us, the college experience is our first time away from home, an experience allows us to spread our wings, and to deal with life on our own without the safety net of our family. Yet it is a very important part of growing up.

Useful words: confine , rewarding , engage , custom.
Essental Sentence Pattern:
1.grow up:The need to grow up will unvigorate the class as well as the professor.
2.build on:The belief in free choicewas a rewarding concept for each student to build on.
