2008年3月24日 星期一

Stage Show

A pop star, the popular artist in Taiwan, he is Zhi-Xiang Luo. He born July 30, 1979. He has half of Amis Tribe descent. He grew up in a happy family.

He started playing drums at the tender age of 3 and performed onstage with his parents as a child. He won second place at a singing contest when he was only 7. Because of the nature instinct, he learned many music theory in a short time without the formal training from a teacher, which is different from most of singer.

At the age of 15, he entered the dance group become a professional dancer and had been a dancing partner for singers at that time. He joined the '4 Heavenly Kings imitation concert' in 1995 and managed to clinch 1st place. In 1996, he was a member of the group called 'Four Heavenly Kings'. The group was active in the following years before breaking up in 1998. In the same year, he joined another group named 'ROMEO' and was active in it until year 2000.

After two groups broke up, he still remains in the performance circle. He become a singer, a TV show's host, an acter in the TV play and in movies. He had also been a voice dubber. In 2003, he launched his solo debut and released his 1st album 'Show Time'. Form 2001 to now, he had already released 5 albums and held many concerts around Aisa.

Now he is 29 years old. During 14 years, he has many experiences in his show. He spent many time studying music and dancing steps. He presents everyone joyous atmosphere, fashion styles, and his earnest attitude. Because of his effort, he earned many awards, such as, New Singer Chart Sell Champion, Best Dancing Artist, Best Mandarin Singer, Hito's Most Popular Male Artist, and so on.

He said, "Everyone can regard our own life as a stage. As long as we try our best to perform, it would be the most beautiful SHOW."

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There is a brief introduction about Zhi-Xiang Lou. In his earlier life, he show on stage with his parents when he was a child. At the age of 15, he started his show business. In early periods he was a member a group. But the groups he joined were broke up. From 2000 to now he performed well by his own self and earned many awards.
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1.descent- parentage.
2.launch - start.
3.debut - opening.

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Useful Words:
1.training - educate.
2.perform- act.
3.earnest - sincere, serious.

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The reason why I choose the article is because I really do like him. He is a person I admire a lot. I like him not just because he is handsome but because he is an interesting person, he has a sense of humor, he always show filial devotion for his parents, he is conscientious about his work, and he always do his best on his show.Because his effort, he has achieved remarkable success in his show business.
He is the most shining star in my heart.

2008年3月20日 星期四

LV: A Symbol of High Fashion

In the world of fashion, nothing symbolize excellence like a designer creation by Louis Vuitton. Owned by few and envied by many, LV bags are a status symbol of wealth and enlargance across the world. Yet few people know that LV rose from humble beginnings to reach the park of modern style.

At age 14, full of bag dream, founder Louis Vuitton traveled 400 km on foot to reach Paris, France. After working as an apprentice for a luggage manufacturer, Vuitton opened his own store in 1854. His first creation was a lightweight, flat-topped trunk. Unlike the round-topped models of that time, they could be stacked and conveniently stored, and they also looked great. The response was tremendous, and Vuitton's business took off. But it was not until 1924 that LV would release its first bag, the Keepall, Which is still; in production today.

Surely, Vitton could never have imagined the fashion trend his brand would start. Today, celebrities like Paris Hilton and Madonna wouldn't be caught dead in public without their LV handbags.

Some owners even affectionately refer to their bags as their "Louis." But buyers should beware. Only 1% of the bags on the market are turely authentic. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, LV has received the highest praise the fashion world can offer.

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This artical has a brief introduction of LV, and how Louis Vuitton can succeed and has received the hightest praise from the fashion world. LV rose from humble beginnings.
Louis Vuitton was an apprentice in a factory, then he he opened his own store. Many years later, he released its portmanteau, the fashion trend his brand.
Now LV is a symbol of fashion.

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1.stack : pile.
2.affectionately : loving.
3.flattery : lip service.
4.apprentice : learner.
5.manufacturer : producer.

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Useful Words:
1.symbolize : represent.
2.take off : commence, begin.
3.authentic : real, true.
4.praise : compliment, compliment.
5.tremendous : enormous, great.

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After I read it, I have some thoughts:
Many famous brand are the symbol of wealth and noble. But the promoter not necessarily very rich. Most of them are poverty, they have a big dream and to achieve by their ownself.
I don't pursue for famous brand. But if I earn lots of money, I think I will reward myself for my hard work.
I also have a dream, I hope one day my dream can comes true.

2008年3月18日 星期二

Pixar:Designing Digtal Delight

The first thing viewers of Ratatouille will notice is how subtle the animation is. Despite the realistic appearance, everything from our lovable rodent hero to the shiny pots and pans of the gourmet kitchen is computer-generated. It could only be the work of company: Pixar Studios, the leader in digital animation.

Pixar began as a division of LucasFilm, owned by George Lucas, the director of Star Wars. During the 1980s, Pixar's designers spent thousands of hours in the studio, breaking new ground for digital animation. They work on special effects for movies such as Star Trek and Young Sherlock Holmes. The creative genius behind Pixar has been dircetor and animator John Lasseter. From day one, Lasseter focused on quality, hiring only the best animator and shooting for nothing short of perfection. Apple founder Steve Jobs believed in Pixar's potential and purchased the company in 1986.

Originally, Jobs wanted to steer the company in the direction of graphics hardware development. When this attempt failed, Pixar found itself on the brink of bankruptcy and had to rely on its animation department to pay this bills. After years of making animation commercials for LifeSavers, Tropicana and Listerine, Pixar's big break finally arrived.

Pixar's commercials caught the eye of Disney, which teamed up eith the small company to creat the full-lengh animation film Toy Story. Pixar's years of research and knowledge were finally put to the test, and the results were amazing. The film was a huge hit worldwide. Pixar followed this up by releasing seven additional films, including Finding Nemo and The Incredibles, both of which received critical acclaim and box office success.

One of the trademarks of Pixar film is its meticulous attention to detail. Lasseter believes that "Every movement in an animated scene must have a reason for being." For example, the team at Pixar spent months oberserving sea life before they began drawing the rough sketches for Finding Nemo.

Pixar also knows that fancy animation alone is not enough to create a great movie. Lasseter thinks the growth of the main characters is equally important. In Cars, for example, we watch the hero, Lightning McQueen, change from an arrogant rookie race car into a compassionate hero who cares for others.

Pixar's future looks bright. There are already plans in the works for Pixar's next release, a story about a robot named Wall-E. With its innovative graphics technology and superb attention story development and details, Pixar is sure to take us into many more previously unimaginable fantasy worlds.

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This article is talk about the develop of 3D animation. First Pixar is a division of LucasFilm. Pixar's commercials caught the eye of Disney, which tearmed up with the samll company to create film. Pixar focus on quality, employ the best staffs. It also attention to details, the team at Pixar spent months observing the creature before they began drawing.
It is not success at the very start. Because they use their brain and they are effort, now they success in work.
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1.subtle : delicate, something is really small and fine.
2.trademark : sign.
3.superb : magnificent, excellent.
4.rodent : an animal which has big teeth, such as mouse.
5.gourmet : someone who likes to teast delicious food.
6.meticulous : scrupulous, careful.
7.rookie : beginner

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Useful Words:
1.potential : possible, latent capacity
2.arrogant : too proud
3.compassionate : sympathetic
4.critical : comment
5.innovation : reformative, new.

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After I read this artical I have some thought:
I am interesting about movie and 3D Animation. I am very admire people who creat 3D animation. Cause it is very realistic. One day, I went to a movie theater saw a movie called ratatouille. In a screen, there has many mouses, a child in movie theater cried out when she saw the mouses. Because the mouses are lifelike.
I think it is hard to creat an animation. They spent many time studting how to draw and how to make a good movie. They are effort and always do their best to make a film. They attention to story development and detail.
The animation present us not only "intrersting" but also let us to have more sympathy and care for others.