2008年1月5日 星期六

An Angel Who Has The Disorder Of The Body

There is a well-known person I admire her named Yu-Hsin Yang. She is a news anchor, with her big eyes, beautiful feature, and professional manners, people would never image that when the broadcast is over, she will difficulty stand up.

At the age of 19, she was told by doctor that she had a sickness. It is a sickness causes the muscle shrink little by little, until eventually the heart stop beating. She suffer from this often feel weak and have trouble walking and moving. There is no cure.

All three children in Yang's family have the same illness. When the doctor told them that there is no hope, they cried many tears, but Yang says,"after the tears, you still have to stand up and get on with life."

Now, she is 30 years old, for the past 11 years, she has made the most of her situation. She learned to play the piano and Chinese flute. Besides, she working at the record company by morning and be a news anchor at night.

In addition, she is the spokesperson for the Taiwan Foundation of Rare Disorders and Taiwan Life Education Association. She has even formed a band to help the associates raise money by performance.

She lives each day as if it were her last, and worries about that she can't do for people who need her help. She says "Even though I sick, I fell I have gain more than I have lost." To many others, she may be fade away, but, to her, life is bright and brilliant.

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useful Words:
1.professional-vocational, occupational
2.feature-characteristic, trait
3.brilliant-resplendent, bright, and colorful

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After I read this article I have some thoughts:

Yu-Hsin Yang, she has an otherly abled, she never blame every and everybody and never be backward and have no urge to make progress but work hard and has optimistic attitude toward her life. She not olny has an enrichment life and do a lot for her own self but also do her best for people who need her help.
There are many well-known people are uniquely abled, they all have positive attitude toward their life, look their life on the bright side. For examples: Helen Keller who was blind and deaf, Ototake Hirotada he is a man has no arms and no legs, Feng-Xi Zheng he had a serious disability when he bron, and Liu Hsia she suffered from Rheumatoid arthritis - -an uncommon illness - - when she was 12 years old. They are unsound in body but sound in mind.
We are healthy, I think we should cherish what we have in hand.
