2008年4月22日 星期二

An Airplane

People seldom realize the real impact of technology on our society. Take the airplane for example. Peolple excited about the opporunity to take wing leave the Earth, even only for a few minutes, invented the airplane. Over time, improvements were made in airplanes, and the idea of transporting the mail over long distances become popular. Suddenly mails could be transported across long distances in a matter of days instead of a matter of weeks or months. The airplane revolutionized how mail was delivered, but this was only the beginning.

Just as the idea moving the mail by plane become popular, someone realized that if you could move the mail by airplane, why not move people by airplane. Soon the passenger plane become popular and people could travel long distences in a short time via plane. Of course, it took some time for airline travel to really catch on as it was restricted by size by passengerplanes, which initially could carry only a few passengers on each flight. But as biggerr and passenger planes were built, air travel grew rapidly. Once airline companies realixed the potential enthusiasm for air travel, larger and larger airplane were built to carry more and more passengers. Suddenly every could travel by airplane.

But the greatest benefit of all has been the ability to travel to any place in the world by plane. This has allowed our world to be accessible to everyone. It truly result in the "It is a small world" concept.
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At first, airplane is an invention which can deliver the mail, mails could be transported across long distance in matter of day.
Airplane become popular people think it can not only deliver the mails but also can move people, Therefore, invent the plane which can carry people. But in the beginning, only a few people on each plane. Now travel is one of the amusements to peolpe in this time. So plane become lager and lager, moer and more people can move to lang distance via the airplane.
Airplane has allowed our world to be accessible to everyone. And turly result " It is a small world "concept.
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Useful Words:
1.transport - convey(send message to some place or to someone),
transit(someone or sonething from one place to another place).
2.revolutionize - reform, to change to improve
3.restrict - limit, confine, not free
4.initially - originally, start
5.accessible - reachable, attain easily
6.concept - thought, idea, opinion
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The reason why I choose this article is because I think it is really close to our life.
When I was five, is the first time I take an airplane to go abroad. When I was in the elementary, about the age of seven is the second time to take a plane. I went to America and Canada. I still remember that when I was in the airplane to America because it is long-distance, I ate four cups of instant noodles. I think that is the most delicious instant noodles I had ever eat. After these, I went to Japen, Singapore, and Korea by airplane. I like to take an airplane very much, because it means I will go abroad and have fun.
Airplane is really such a good invention. It can transport not only people but also goods and mail. People can communicate with they want to establish contact. It is very convenient. Airplane can make the world become small. I believe that airplane can further the interpersonal distance.
