2008年4月25日 星期五

Time to get serious about the drug problem

Substance abuse has become a serious problem in Taiwan, but the issue has received far less attention than it deserves from people at high levels.
The gravity of the drug problem is evidenced by the prevalence of substance abuse in Taiwan's entertainment circles. Last year, several of Taiwan's best-known entertainers were arrested on drug charges and sentenced to forced rehabilitation. News reports of those events have aroused concerns, but rumors of drug use among performers persist.

For instance, Yao Tsai-ying, a well-known model, was questioned by the police last month after she was found to have had cellphone communication with a drug trafficker. Yao denied taking drugs and asked the police to investigate further to prove her innocence.
Anti-drug legislation in Taiwan is rather severe. Those who abuse or possess even soft drugs such as marijuana, LSD and MDMA are breaking the law. Penalties include jail terms involving forced rehabilitation.

Nevertheless, even the convictions last year of well-known personalities do not seem to have taught other entertainers to stay away from drugs. Entertainers found to be involved with drugs are often the idols of teenagers and children. Their misbehavior may easily be copied by adolescents. It is therefore important that efforts be made to curtail drug use and abuse among performers.
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Drug abuse has become a serious problem in Taiwan.The drug problem is evidenced in Taiwan's entertainment circles.
Anti-drug legislation in Taiwan is rather severe.Entertainers found to be involved with drugs are often the idols of teenagers and children. Their misbehavior may easily be copied by adolescents. Therefore, it is important that efforts be made to curtail drug use and abuse among performers.
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1.gravity - seriousness
2.prevalence - widespread, circulation
3.marijuana - a kind of narcotics
4.conviction - proof of guilt
5.curtail - reduce, shorten
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Useful Words:
1.entertainer - a player, an actor.
2.arouse - awaken, inspire.
3.trafficker - a seller who bargain something illegal.
4.prove - confirm, verify.
5.innocence - clear mind and honesty.
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After I read this article I have some thoughts:
I don't know why these days have more and more people like to drug abuse to erase the things they feel unhappy or evading the things bother them.
Drug abuse is a really bad things. It can harm people's health even make people die. Maybe drug abuse can evade the trouble for a short while. Maybe drug abuse can make people feel happy temporary. But I think it is not a real happy. After it, an affair is still exist. So I think if people had something tormented or unhappy people can complain to their friends or someone they trust. If people had some difficulties, people can find some people to help or try their best to overcome the difficulties. We can try many ways to solve the problems instead of drug abusing.
