2008年4月23日 星期三


Seen as symbols of strength, courage, determination and immortality since ancient times, Eagles are found throughout the world with the exceptions of Antarctica and Mew Zealand. Eagles are powerful birds renowned for their keen vision. All eagles have powerful sharp claws called talons as well as heavy hooked beaks or bills. This combination makes them feared predators as they swoop down from on high and attack small animal such as fish, rodents, birds, snakes, rabbits and even monkeys. The eagle uses its powerful talons and beak to tear apart prey that is too heavy to carry. Eagles also sometimes steal the catch of other predatory birds such as ospreys. Most of the 50 species of eagles are in the range of 2 to 3 feet long and have wingspans of approximately 6 feet.

Eagles lives in air or nests which they build high in trees or on rocky ledges inaccessible by other animals. The nest must be kept secure because young eagles are helpless for a long period after hatching and remain in the nest from 50 to 100 days depending on the species. Made of sticks and lined with leaves and grass, the same nest may be used by a pair of birds for a number of years. The female lays one to three brownish speckled eggs and these are incubated by both parents or just the female. Young eagles are covered in down and don’t develop adult coloration until they reach two years of age.

A particularly famous species of eagle is the Haliaeetus Leucocephalus or Bald Eagle which is the national emblem of the United States. The Bald Eagle is not fact bald and the moniker was applied because of the contrast between its while head and brown body. The Bald Eagle is extremely rare and for many years it was feared that this magnificent creature would become extinct, however, due to conservation efforts this tragedy has been averted. The Bald Eagle and eagles' natural enemies is human beings. Their natural habitats have all proved extremely dangerous to the survival of this majestic bird.
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Eagles are powerful birds renowned for their keen vision. All eagles have powerful sharp claws called talons as well as heavy hooked beaks or bills. This combination makes them feared predators as they swoop down from on high and attack small animal. Most of the eagles are in the range of 2 to 3 feet long and have wingspans about 6 feet.
Eagles lives in air or nests which they build high in trees or on rocky ledges inaccessible by other animals. The nest must be kept secure because young eagles for a long period after 50 to 100 days.
A particularly famous species of eagle is Bald Eagle.Bald Eagle and eagles in general have few natural enemies; it is human beings. Their natural habitats have all proved extremely dangerous to the survival of this majestic bird.
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1.talon - sharp nail.
2.speckled - something has spot
3.rodents - an animal which has big teeth. Like mouse
4.predatory - to catch the other animal and eat them to make a living.
5.incubate - hatch
6.moniker - nickname
7.habitats - natural home
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Useful Words:
1.immortality - deathless
2.majestic - grand
3.averted - prevent, prohibit, avoid, turn away.
4.magnificent - marvelous, impressive and wonderful.
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I feel eagles are very beautiful so I choose this article. Two years ago, I went to Kenting I saw a eagle fly in the air. I am very happy, because the eagle is close to me.
One day, I was in the dormitory, when I went to sink I saw three eagles stand on the skin. That is the second time the eagles near me. I am really happy that time and I feel exciting, because I think see an eagle nearly is an unusual occurrence.
This article make me understand eagle's quality. I feel eagel is very solemn and gorgeous.
I hope one day I can see many eagles fly in the air. It would be such a picturesque scenery.
