2008年10月20日 星期一

My Most Impressive Experience

In my mind, the most unforgettable experience is that 12 years ago I went to a summer vacation short-term course in America. When I was first grade in primary school, my sister and I traveled to America in that summer vacation. We lived in our uncle’s house, and went to a summer vacation short-term course there for about three weeks. At that period, we had some delicious cookies and went to school with a good mood every day.

My sister and I were in different courses. In my course, my teacher took a big book and read a story to the students in that class, and all the students sat on the floor around the teacher in the first hour. Then, the teacher gave some math exercises and made us practice them. In these exercises, because I hadn’t learned multiplication and division; my friend who is a Chinese American taught me how to do them. Besides, the teachers cut some cute pictures and let us match the sentences. When we had a good behavior we would get some candy and cookies from the teacher. The teacher’s teaching way was playing and teaching simultaneously. In that time, English was all Greek to me. I had known nothing about English, not even the alphabet. Although I didn’t understand English, I still followed everyone. I didn’t fear for that, instead, I felt the course was really interesting.

During the break time, the teacher would lock the door in order to let us have many more activities and play outdoors. And we were sharing our snacks with each other. We also played handball together. In that school, there were many students from many different countries. I made some friends from Korea, Japan, America, England, and so on. I couldn’t communicate with them very easily, but we still played together and had fun.

After I finished the course, I had learned from A to Z, I could count from one to a hundred, and I acquired some simple English words. From that moment on, I fell in love with English.

It was twelve years ago when I studied in America, but it is the most impressive reminiscence in my mind.
