2008年12月19日 星期五


Introduce Myself:
My name is Krista, I am from Kaoshiung, and I graduated from St. Dominic High School. Now I am a sophomore in Chinese Culture University in Taipei. And my major subject is English. The reason why I major in English is that I love English and I hope I have progress in my English. Besides, if I had great knowledge of English, I could go abroad and pursue advanced studies.

I have some thought after I watch this movie, CRASH. I think that the title of the movie “Crash” has its meaning. “Crash”, means the act of colliding with something, because of “crash” link many people and many matters together. LA is a place, which is called “The nationality greatly melts the stove”; there has the gap between different races and cause racial discrimination and wrath between people. This movie not only shows the problem of racial discrimination but also the problem of social rank. I think people can’t misuse the power and force to get benefits. Besides, people cannot regard social vulnerable groups, disadvantaged families, and the minority nationality as the low rank in the society. We should treat everyone equally. Furthermore, the movie also reflects many happenings in our life, such as, friendship, the love between parents and children, and the problem of belief between people. This movie is full of the conflicts between multiple culture and class. People confront the conflicts and have the interaction that lead to the issue the sense of alienation and the relations between races have deteriorated. I hope people can be tolerant of different views and to forgive, instead of revenge. In addition, people should soothe someone’s hurt with love. And I also desirous of love and peace could spread over the world.

