2008年12月19日 星期五

My Favorite Festival (journal)

It’s December. The weather is become colder and colder. The atmosphere of Christmas is getting stronger. Buildings are decorated by many pretty decorations. There are many pretty Christmas trees on the street. In addition, I heard Christmas songs everywhere. Christmas is one of the major festivals in the United States of America. It is also a festival I like most. I remember that when I was in elementary school, I went to a course that is an English conversation course. When December is coming, every students and teachers start to decorate the classroom, and the classroom was decorated with beautiful Christmas tree. On the Christmas, there are many lovely decorations, such as candy cane, beads, small bells, stars, and so on. We sprinkled lots of shining and white powder on the window it just line snowy. Besides, we have Christmas party. On the party people have to make up and bring a gift in order to exchanging gifts on Christmas day. The teachers also teach us many Christmas songs. I really like the atmosphere of Christmas. Not only the class but also my home in Kaoshiung has Christmas atmosphere. My mom and I are decorating Christmas tree together. Under the tree are some presents made by my mom. I like to make some Christmas card, therefore there are a lot of handmade card in our house. Furthermore, my parents always take my elder sister and me go to the restaurant to eat Christmas meal on Christmas day. Because I studied in a Catholicism high school, he school has many activities in Christmas day every year, such as has Christes Mass, to swap gifts, has holy songs competition, to convey Gospel to everyone, to give candy to people and so on. These are really interesting activities. I love Christmas very much. I think Christmas is a warm, fragrant, and romantic festival.
