2008年12月19日 星期五


Introduce Myself:
My name is Krista, I am from Kaoshiung, and I graduated from St. Dominic High School. Now I am a sophomore in Chinese Culture University in Taipei. And my major subject is English. The reason why I major in English is that I love English and I hope I have progress in my English. Besides, if I had great knowledge of English, I could go abroad and pursue advanced studies.

I have some thought after I watch this movie, CRASH. I think that the title of the movie “Crash” has its meaning. “Crash”, means the act of colliding with something, because of “crash” link many people and many matters together. LA is a place, which is called “The nationality greatly melts the stove”; there has the gap between different races and cause racial discrimination and wrath between people. This movie not only shows the problem of racial discrimination but also the problem of social rank. I think people can’t misuse the power and force to get benefits. Besides, people cannot regard social vulnerable groups, disadvantaged families, and the minority nationality as the low rank in the society. We should treat everyone equally. Furthermore, the movie also reflects many happenings in our life, such as, friendship, the love between parents and children, and the problem of belief between people. This movie is full of the conflicts between multiple culture and class. People confront the conflicts and have the interaction that lead to the issue the sense of alienation and the relations between races have deteriorated. I hope people can be tolerant of different views and to forgive, instead of revenge. In addition, people should soothe someone’s hurt with love. And I also desirous of love and peace could spread over the world.


My Favorite Festival (journal)

It’s December. The weather is become colder and colder. The atmosphere of Christmas is getting stronger. Buildings are decorated by many pretty decorations. There are many pretty Christmas trees on the street. In addition, I heard Christmas songs everywhere. Christmas is one of the major festivals in the United States of America. It is also a festival I like most. I remember that when I was in elementary school, I went to a course that is an English conversation course. When December is coming, every students and teachers start to decorate the classroom, and the classroom was decorated with beautiful Christmas tree. On the Christmas, there are many lovely decorations, such as candy cane, beads, small bells, stars, and so on. We sprinkled lots of shining and white powder on the window it just line snowy. Besides, we have Christmas party. On the party people have to make up and bring a gift in order to exchanging gifts on Christmas day. The teachers also teach us many Christmas songs. I really like the atmosphere of Christmas. Not only the class but also my home in Kaoshiung has Christmas atmosphere. My mom and I are decorating Christmas tree together. Under the tree are some presents made by my mom. I like to make some Christmas card, therefore there are a lot of handmade card in our house. Furthermore, my parents always take my elder sister and me go to the restaurant to eat Christmas meal on Christmas day. Because I studied in a Catholicism high school, he school has many activities in Christmas day every year, such as has Christes Mass, to swap gifts, has holy songs competition, to convey Gospel to everyone, to give candy to people and so on. These are really interesting activities. I love Christmas very much. I think Christmas is a warm, fragrant, and romantic festival.

My Favorite Movie(Journal)

The Parent Trap is my favorite movie, I have seen the movie at least ten times. In the movie, Lindsay Lohan acted two roles, Hallie Parker and Annie James. Their father Nick Parker was acted by Dennis Quaid, and their mother Elizabeth James was acted by Natasha Richardson.


Hallie Parker and Annie are twins. Because their parents devoted when they born, they didn’t know each other. Hallie Parker lived in a vineyard in California with their dad, and Annie lived in London with their mom. On one summer vacation they went to the same camp, and they met each other by chance. They are naughty, therefore they were be separated from other children in the summer camp and they lived together. At first, they didn’t like each other. When they were chatting, they found out that their birthday is the same day; they like to eat the food people don’t like; they have the necklace with their initial; Hallie never see her mom, and Annie never see her dad. Then, when they taking their treasure - the picture be tron into two pieces -, they found out that they are twins awesomely. They decided to change each other to live with their parent they never seen and bring their parents together, thus, family can have a reunion. But, in that time their father had a new girlfriend, they decided to defeat her and let their mam and dad marry again. In the end, the ending is satisfied.

There are some reasons to explain why I saw this moive many times. First, I like the actor and actress in this movie. It’ s not easy that Lindsay Lohan played two roles in the moive. She need to play the different personality between two girls and different accent between a girl lived in London and in California. Every role in the movie is characteristic. Every actor and actress’ acting is remarkable. Second, Althougt the movie didn’t have cliffhanger, It is a joyful movie. I think it is not only the Family & Kids comedy, but moved many people because it stress the importance of the love between parents and children. Third, I learned something after I saw the movie. For example, I learned that do not criticize, do not complain, and do not blame when I face the setback. Besides, I learned that to show consideration for people, to praise and admire people, to be grateful to people sincerely. In addition, I will smile to the people who I am talking with like the mom Elizabeth James in the movie. The most important thing is that I have a family full of warm, happiness, and love. I have to cherish my family and what I have in hand.

2008年11月8日 星期六

A Lovely Room

A Royal Hotel is located in Chih-pen; it has a special design, which is a lovely pink room. The specially designed room is for all the princesses who fancy Barbie. When we enter the room, we can see that the room is filled with pink color and Barbie dolls. There is a small wooden bookcase, and the bookcase is painted pink. In the bookcase there are many books about Barbie. On the bookcase is a Liquid Crystal Display TV, and the color of the TV set is also pink. Next to the bookcase are two comfortable and soft big pink chairs. The bed in the room is also pink. The pattern of the pillowcase and bedcover are dark pink flowers. The design of the bed is very romantic and exquisite. There is light pink gauze with pretty heart shaped decoration above the bed, and a bead curtain is near the bed. The bead curtain is as clear as crystal. The right side of the bed is a dressing table and teapoy; they are beautiful pink, too. Keeping straight, we can see a small refrigerator; on the refrigerator are two cups and a hot-water bottle. The pattern on all the three things is Barbie. By the side of the refrigerator is a lavatory, and it is painted bright red. The whole room, including the ceiling and the walls are painted light pink. Besides, there is wallpaper pasted on the walls. In addition, in this room there are also some flower shaped wall lamps nailed on the wall. For me, this is such a delicate, warm, fragrant, and elegant room.

2008年10月20日 星期一

My Most Impressive Experience

In my mind, the most unforgettable experience is that 12 years ago I went to a summer vacation short-term course in America. When I was first grade in primary school, my sister and I traveled to America in that summer vacation. We lived in our uncle’s house, and went to a summer vacation short-term course there for about three weeks. At that period, we had some delicious cookies and went to school with a good mood every day.

My sister and I were in different courses. In my course, my teacher took a big book and read a story to the students in that class, and all the students sat on the floor around the teacher in the first hour. Then, the teacher gave some math exercises and made us practice them. In these exercises, because I hadn’t learned multiplication and division; my friend who is a Chinese American taught me how to do them. Besides, the teachers cut some cute pictures and let us match the sentences. When we had a good behavior we would get some candy and cookies from the teacher. The teacher’s teaching way was playing and teaching simultaneously. In that time, English was all Greek to me. I had known nothing about English, not even the alphabet. Although I didn’t understand English, I still followed everyone. I didn’t fear for that, instead, I felt the course was really interesting.

During the break time, the teacher would lock the door in order to let us have many more activities and play outdoors. And we were sharing our snacks with each other. We also played handball together. In that school, there were many students from many different countries. I made some friends from Korea, Japan, America, England, and so on. I couldn’t communicate with them very easily, but we still played together and had fun.

After I finished the course, I had learned from A to Z, I could count from one to a hundred, and I acquired some simple English words. From that moment on, I fell in love with English.

It was twelve years ago when I studied in America, but it is the most impressive reminiscence in my mind.

2008年10月4日 星期六

It's Me (Journal 1)

My Name is 寇希妤. My English name is Krista. I born in Nov.28th, 1989. I am 18years old, more than one month later I will turn 19 years old. I think I should become more independence, has more responsibility, and much more maturity.

I lived in sun-drenched the South part of Taiwan, second largest city - Kaoshiung -. Kaoshiung is a very beautiful place and our people here are very friendly. There are four people in my family, father, mother, elder sister, and I. My father is an office worker, my mother is a housewife, and my sister is a college student in Shih Chien University, she is also an English major student. We get along with each other. We are a family with happiness, warmth, and full of love.

I have many hobbies, I like drawing, listening to music, watching movies, go traveling, chatting with my friends, reading books and fashion magazine, and shopping, ext. When I have free time I will do these things, or when I feel unhappy I also do them and they can make me feel better.

Optimistic, cheery, have a good temper, and always stand in others point to deal with many things I think these are my merits. Many of my friends and my mom told me that “You are too innocent and silly”, they all worry about that some people would deceive me. For me, I think a little lazy, a little muddled are my shortcomings.

In these four years, I have to learn much more knowledge, not only in English but also in my daily life. I hope I can advance to a higher school smoothly, and I will go abroad to further my learning.

I am desirous that the people I love and I all can HAPPY forever. In my mind, happy can let our life more colorful and more meaningful.

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Composition Skills and the Internet (Journal 2)

When I have to write a composition, I will look for the books or surf the internet which contain much information. I think this website -- http://write.scu.edu.tw/ -- is very helpful to me.

It gives me a lot of useful information for how to write a good essay. First, it contains every kinds of article that we can consult how to write different topics on this website. Second, it also has sources can be divided into two parts: basic and advanced about grammar practice, and it can help me to use right grammar in an article. Third, this website make some common mistake into a list which we may make. It analyzes every error narrowly, and teach us how to correct these mistakes. The most important reason I like this website is because it classify category systematically. I can easy to understand what is its mean.

I think I could learn lots of sentence structure, learn how to write essay, paper, autobiography, and so on, on this website. Besides, I would make less mistakes after surfing this web. I hope I can use this website to promote my composition ability, and can write a prefect composition one day.

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