2008年12月19日 星期五


Introduce Myself:
My name is Krista, I am from Kaoshiung, and I graduated from St. Dominic High School. Now I am a sophomore in Chinese Culture University in Taipei. And my major subject is English. The reason why I major in English is that I love English and I hope I have progress in my English. Besides, if I had great knowledge of English, I could go abroad and pursue advanced studies.

I have some thought after I watch this movie, CRASH. I think that the title of the movie “Crash” has its meaning. “Crash”, means the act of colliding with something, because of “crash” link many people and many matters together. LA is a place, which is called “The nationality greatly melts the stove”; there has the gap between different races and cause racial discrimination and wrath between people. This movie not only shows the problem of racial discrimination but also the problem of social rank. I think people can’t misuse the power and force to get benefits. Besides, people cannot regard social vulnerable groups, disadvantaged families, and the minority nationality as the low rank in the society. We should treat everyone equally. Furthermore, the movie also reflects many happenings in our life, such as, friendship, the love between parents and children, and the problem of belief between people. This movie is full of the conflicts between multiple culture and class. People confront the conflicts and have the interaction that lead to the issue the sense of alienation and the relations between races have deteriorated. I hope people can be tolerant of different views and to forgive, instead of revenge. In addition, people should soothe someone’s hurt with love. And I also desirous of love and peace could spread over the world.


My Favorite Festival (journal)

It’s December. The weather is become colder and colder. The atmosphere of Christmas is getting stronger. Buildings are decorated by many pretty decorations. There are many pretty Christmas trees on the street. In addition, I heard Christmas songs everywhere. Christmas is one of the major festivals in the United States of America. It is also a festival I like most. I remember that when I was in elementary school, I went to a course that is an English conversation course. When December is coming, every students and teachers start to decorate the classroom, and the classroom was decorated with beautiful Christmas tree. On the Christmas, there are many lovely decorations, such as candy cane, beads, small bells, stars, and so on. We sprinkled lots of shining and white powder on the window it just line snowy. Besides, we have Christmas party. On the party people have to make up and bring a gift in order to exchanging gifts on Christmas day. The teachers also teach us many Christmas songs. I really like the atmosphere of Christmas. Not only the class but also my home in Kaoshiung has Christmas atmosphere. My mom and I are decorating Christmas tree together. Under the tree are some presents made by my mom. I like to make some Christmas card, therefore there are a lot of handmade card in our house. Furthermore, my parents always take my elder sister and me go to the restaurant to eat Christmas meal on Christmas day. Because I studied in a Catholicism high school, he school has many activities in Christmas day every year, such as has Christes Mass, to swap gifts, has holy songs competition, to convey Gospel to everyone, to give candy to people and so on. These are really interesting activities. I love Christmas very much. I think Christmas is a warm, fragrant, and romantic festival.

My Favorite Movie(Journal)

The Parent Trap is my favorite movie, I have seen the movie at least ten times. In the movie, Lindsay Lohan acted two roles, Hallie Parker and Annie James. Their father Nick Parker was acted by Dennis Quaid, and their mother Elizabeth James was acted by Natasha Richardson.


Hallie Parker and Annie are twins. Because their parents devoted when they born, they didn’t know each other. Hallie Parker lived in a vineyard in California with their dad, and Annie lived in London with their mom. On one summer vacation they went to the same camp, and they met each other by chance. They are naughty, therefore they were be separated from other children in the summer camp and they lived together. At first, they didn’t like each other. When they were chatting, they found out that their birthday is the same day; they like to eat the food people don’t like; they have the necklace with their initial; Hallie never see her mom, and Annie never see her dad. Then, when they taking their treasure - the picture be tron into two pieces -, they found out that they are twins awesomely. They decided to change each other to live with their parent they never seen and bring their parents together, thus, family can have a reunion. But, in that time their father had a new girlfriend, they decided to defeat her and let their mam and dad marry again. In the end, the ending is satisfied.

There are some reasons to explain why I saw this moive many times. First, I like the actor and actress in this movie. It’ s not easy that Lindsay Lohan played two roles in the moive. She need to play the different personality between two girls and different accent between a girl lived in London and in California. Every role in the movie is characteristic. Every actor and actress’ acting is remarkable. Second, Althougt the movie didn’t have cliffhanger, It is a joyful movie. I think it is not only the Family & Kids comedy, but moved many people because it stress the importance of the love between parents and children. Third, I learned something after I saw the movie. For example, I learned that do not criticize, do not complain, and do not blame when I face the setback. Besides, I learned that to show consideration for people, to praise and admire people, to be grateful to people sincerely. In addition, I will smile to the people who I am talking with like the mom Elizabeth James in the movie. The most important thing is that I have a family full of warm, happiness, and love. I have to cherish my family and what I have in hand.

2008年11月8日 星期六

A Lovely Room

A Royal Hotel is located in Chih-pen; it has a special design, which is a lovely pink room. The specially designed room is for all the princesses who fancy Barbie. When we enter the room, we can see that the room is filled with pink color and Barbie dolls. There is a small wooden bookcase, and the bookcase is painted pink. In the bookcase there are many books about Barbie. On the bookcase is a Liquid Crystal Display TV, and the color of the TV set is also pink. Next to the bookcase are two comfortable and soft big pink chairs. The bed in the room is also pink. The pattern of the pillowcase and bedcover are dark pink flowers. The design of the bed is very romantic and exquisite. There is light pink gauze with pretty heart shaped decoration above the bed, and a bead curtain is near the bed. The bead curtain is as clear as crystal. The right side of the bed is a dressing table and teapoy; they are beautiful pink, too. Keeping straight, we can see a small refrigerator; on the refrigerator are two cups and a hot-water bottle. The pattern on all the three things is Barbie. By the side of the refrigerator is a lavatory, and it is painted bright red. The whole room, including the ceiling and the walls are painted light pink. Besides, there is wallpaper pasted on the walls. In addition, in this room there are also some flower shaped wall lamps nailed on the wall. For me, this is such a delicate, warm, fragrant, and elegant room.

2008年10月20日 星期一

My Most Impressive Experience

In my mind, the most unforgettable experience is that 12 years ago I went to a summer vacation short-term course in America. When I was first grade in primary school, my sister and I traveled to America in that summer vacation. We lived in our uncle’s house, and went to a summer vacation short-term course there for about three weeks. At that period, we had some delicious cookies and went to school with a good mood every day.

My sister and I were in different courses. In my course, my teacher took a big book and read a story to the students in that class, and all the students sat on the floor around the teacher in the first hour. Then, the teacher gave some math exercises and made us practice them. In these exercises, because I hadn’t learned multiplication and division; my friend who is a Chinese American taught me how to do them. Besides, the teachers cut some cute pictures and let us match the sentences. When we had a good behavior we would get some candy and cookies from the teacher. The teacher’s teaching way was playing and teaching simultaneously. In that time, English was all Greek to me. I had known nothing about English, not even the alphabet. Although I didn’t understand English, I still followed everyone. I didn’t fear for that, instead, I felt the course was really interesting.

During the break time, the teacher would lock the door in order to let us have many more activities and play outdoors. And we were sharing our snacks with each other. We also played handball together. In that school, there were many students from many different countries. I made some friends from Korea, Japan, America, England, and so on. I couldn’t communicate with them very easily, but we still played together and had fun.

After I finished the course, I had learned from A to Z, I could count from one to a hundred, and I acquired some simple English words. From that moment on, I fell in love with English.

It was twelve years ago when I studied in America, but it is the most impressive reminiscence in my mind.

2008年10月4日 星期六

It's Me (Journal 1)

My Name is 寇希妤. My English name is Krista. I born in Nov.28th, 1989. I am 18years old, more than one month later I will turn 19 years old. I think I should become more independence, has more responsibility, and much more maturity.

I lived in sun-drenched the South part of Taiwan, second largest city - Kaoshiung -. Kaoshiung is a very beautiful place and our people here are very friendly. There are four people in my family, father, mother, elder sister, and I. My father is an office worker, my mother is a housewife, and my sister is a college student in Shih Chien University, she is also an English major student. We get along with each other. We are a family with happiness, warmth, and full of love.

I have many hobbies, I like drawing, listening to music, watching movies, go traveling, chatting with my friends, reading books and fashion magazine, and shopping, ext. When I have free time I will do these things, or when I feel unhappy I also do them and they can make me feel better.

Optimistic, cheery, have a good temper, and always stand in others point to deal with many things I think these are my merits. Many of my friends and my mom told me that “You are too innocent and silly”, they all worry about that some people would deceive me. For me, I think a little lazy, a little muddled are my shortcomings.

In these four years, I have to learn much more knowledge, not only in English but also in my daily life. I hope I can advance to a higher school smoothly, and I will go abroad to further my learning.

I am desirous that the people I love and I all can HAPPY forever. In my mind, happy can let our life more colorful and more meaningful.

(312 words)

Composition Skills and the Internet (Journal 2)

When I have to write a composition, I will look for the books or surf the internet which contain much information. I think this website -- http://write.scu.edu.tw/ -- is very helpful to me.

It gives me a lot of useful information for how to write a good essay. First, it contains every kinds of article that we can consult how to write different topics on this website. Second, it also has sources can be divided into two parts: basic and advanced about grammar practice, and it can help me to use right grammar in an article. Third, this website make some common mistake into a list which we may make. It analyzes every error narrowly, and teach us how to correct these mistakes. The most important reason I like this website is because it classify category systematically. I can easy to understand what is its mean.

I think I could learn lots of sentence structure, learn how to write essay, paper, autobiography, and so on, on this website. Besides, I would make less mistakes after surfing this web. I hope I can use this website to promote my composition ability, and can write a prefect composition one day.

(total words:207)

2008年5月26日 星期一

What Is the Value of a Human Life?

What is an individual life worth? Do our lives have equal value? Struggling with these questions led me to my belief.
After Sept. 11, I confronted the challenge of placing a value on human life by calculating different amounts of compensation for each and every victim. The law required that I give more money to the stockbroker, the bond trader and the banker than to the waiter, the policeman, the fireman and the soldier at the Pentagon. This is what happens every day in courtrooms throughout our nation. Our system of justice has always been based upon this idea — that compensation for death should be directly related to the financial circumstances of each victim.
But as I met with the 9/11 families and wrestled with issues surrounding the valuation of lives lost, I began to question this basic premise of our legal system. Trained in the law, I had always accepted that no two lives were worth the same in financial terms. But now I found the law in conflict with my growing belief in the equality of all life. "Mr. Feinberg, my husband was a fireman and died a hero at the World Trade Center. Why are you giving me less money than the banker who represented Enron? Why are you demeaning the memory of my husband?"
My response was defensive and unconvincing. At first I gave the standard legal argument — that I was not evaluating the intrinsic moral worth of any individual. I was basing my decision on the law, just as juries did every day. But this explanation fell on deaf ears. Grieving families couldn't hear it. And I didn't believe it myself.
I was engaged in a personal struggle. I felt it would make more sense for Congress to provide the same amount of public compensation to each and every victim — to declare, in effect, that all lives are equal. But in this case, the law prevailed.
Last year, however, in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings and the deaths of 32 victims, I was again asked to design and administer a compensation system, this one privately funded. And I realized that Feinberg the citizen should trump Feinberg the lawyer. My legal training would no longer stand in the way. This time all victims — students and faculty alike — would receive the same compensation.
In the case of Sept. 11, if there is a next time, and Congress again decides to award public compensation, I hope the law will declare that all life should be treated the same. Courtrooms, judges, lawyers and juries are not the answer when it comes to public compensation. I have resolved my personal conflict and have learned a valuable lesson at the same time. I believe that public compensation should avoid financial distinctions which only fuel the hurt and grief of the survivors. I believe all lives should be treated the same.

- -by Kenneth Feinberg

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He believes that public compensation should avoid financial distinctions which only fuel the hurt and grief of the survivors.
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Useful Words:
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2008年5月16日 星期五

I Am Not My Body

I believe I am not my body.
Every day, we see images of perfect bodies we can never have, and we become convinced our bodies are who we are. Passing through puberty, into adulthood and now into middle age, I've wasted a lot of time lamenting the size of my hips, the gray in my hair, and the lines in my face. Finally, as I approach my 50s, I believe my parents were right all along: I am not my body.
I was born in 1959, at the tail end of the baby boom. Unfortunately I arrived without all my body parts fully intact. My left arm is a short stub with a small hand and three fingers, reminiscent of a thalidomide defect. To my good fortune, I had superb parents. They were fighters who struck "I can't" from my vocabulary, and replaced it with "I will find a way." They believed the development of the mind, heart and soul determine who you are and who you will become. My body was not to be used as an excuse; instead it was a catalyst.
My body was not neglected, though. It endured surgery; it was dragged to physical therapy, then to swimming, and finally to yoga. But it was not the focus of my life. I was taught to respect my body, but to remember that it was only a vehicle that carried the important things: my brain and soul. Moreover, I was taught that bodies come in all shapes, colors and sizes, and that everyone was struggling in some way with their physical inadequacies. Infomercials have convinced me this must be true, although through adolescence I found it difficult to believe the cheerleading squad had any self-doubts.
In my alternately formed body, I have learned lessons about patience, determination, frustration and success. This body can't play the piano or climb rock walls, but it taught all the neighborhood kids to eat with their feet, a skill it learned in the children's hospital. Eventually it learned to tie shoes, crossed a stage to pick up a college diploma, backpacked through Europe and changed my baby's diapers.
Some people think I am my body and treat me with prejudice or pity. Some are just curious. It took years, but I have learned to ignore the stares and just smile back. My body has taught me to respect my fellow humans — even the thin, able-bodied, beautiful ones.
I am my words, my ideas and my actions. I am filled with love, humor, ambition and intelligence. This I believe: I am your fellow human being and, like you, I am so much more than a body.

- -By Lisa Sandin

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Unfortunately she arrived without all her body parts fully intact.
Some people think she is her body and treat her with prejudice or pity... It took years, but she has learned to ignore the stares and just smile back.
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Useful Words:
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The writer's body has alittle disabled, but she did't abase herself. Although she has something different from other people she did't shut herself in a small circle instead, she . She try her best to do everything.
Actually many people who was disable in the accident or inbred, they don't like people to have pity for them or to feel sorry for them. They don't like the feeling that they are different from others, instead, they are desirous that people can treat them as man in the street not to take exaggerative compassion on them. Although their body is imperfect, they don't think it is deplorable. Because it can't represent anything. The most imporant are their motive power to do everything, their emotion, their wisdom to deal with the problem, their honesty, and their goodness of human nature.

2008年5月15日 星期四

Movie - - Iron Man

He speeds into battle in a fiery flash, laying waste to all challengers. That's not just "Iron Man" but the film's likely box-office outcome too.
From a surprise sneak peek at July's Comic-Con convention through its teaser trailer launch in October and TV spots during February's Super Bowl and "Lost" premiere, "Iron Man" has been assembling a towering wave of momentum. But is it a tsunami? When the first meaningful audience tracking surveys rolled in early last week, Paramount and Marvel Studios had to say "Iron Man" sure was looking like one.
Movie studios and exhibitors are desperate for a hit, with 2008 attendance down more than 6% compared with a year ago and last weekend's total grosses down almost 20% versus the same weekend in 2007, according to the research firm Media by Numbers. Several of the year's higher-profile releases, including films from George Clooney ("Leatherheads"), Will Ferrell ("Semi-Pro") and Jodie Foster ("Nim's Island"), all faltered. Relief from some of the summer's biggest guns -- "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" and " Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" -- won't come until mid- and late May.
But when "Iron Man" hits theaters on May 2, it may single-handedly launch what is Hollywood's most important (and profitable) season and help lift the business out of its doldrums.
As is the industry habit, both Paramount and Marvel are trying to manage expectations downward. They note (accurately, as it turns out) that Iron Man is hardly as popular a comic book character as Spider-Man or Hulk, that almost all school-age kids will still be in classes when the film opens and that this weekend's "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and May 2's "Made of Honor" will grab some of "Iron Man's" harder-to-get female patrons.
That said, some rival studio executives and producers -- having looked at "Iron Man's" strong tracking numbers ¡X are now saying the film could be one of the summer's top hits, especially since Paramount and Marvel have spent only 30% of their advertising dollars so far.
Directed by "Elf's" Jon Favreau, "Iron Man" stars Robert Downey Jr. as arms manufacturer Tony Stark. Captured by Middle Eastern guerrillas who force him to build a missile, a wounded Stark instead constructs a protective iron suit that allows him to escape. Once free and back in Malibu, Stark secretly refines his design, turning himself into a more peace-minded crusader. His about-face might worry longtime assistant Pepper Potts ( Gwyneth Paltrow), but it really ticks off business partner Obadiah Stane ( Jeff Bridges). Before long, Stark's Iron Man faces a very bad boardroom revolt.
Because the character resides in the middle rungs of Marvel's superhero ladder, below not only Spider-Man and Hulk but also X-Men and the Fantastic Four, equivalent movie comparisons are problematic. "X-Men," which helped launch the modern comic-book revival, premiered with US$54.5 million in 2000. Two years later, the first "Spider-Man" opened to US$114.8 million, followed a year later with "Hulk" at US$62.1 million. In 2005, "The Fantastic Four" opened with receipts of US$56.1 million.
Still, there's telling strength hiding inside "Iron Man's" audience surveys, box-office experts say. While some "Iron Man" doubters worry that the film's female appeal is too far behind its male interest to yield a true, all-demographic blockbuster (men are almost twice as interested in "Iron Man" as are women), a close look at the numbers tells a different tale.
The film's female interest is roughly comparable to where it was for "Hulk," "Transformers" (which opened to US$70.5 million last July) and the R-rated "300" (which grossed US$70.9 million in its premiere in March) two weeks before those films hit theaters.
And with the acclaimed Downey and the Oscar-winning Paltrow in leading roles and mostly favorable reviews expected, "Iron Man" should also draw strongly among more discriminating ¡X older, put less diplomatically -- moviegoers. There's little, in other words, to hold it back.
Paramount, which is marketing and distributing the movie that Marvel paid for as its first self-financed production, notes that only two non-sequels ("Spider-Man" and "The Passion of the Christ") have ever grossed more than US$80 million in their first three-day weekends. Even if "Iron Man" (which cost US$135 million to make) grosses US$50 million in its first weekend, it will be headed toward profitability and have everybody at Paramount and Marvel beaming.
Ads for "Iron Man" say "Heroes aren't born. They're built." And Paramount and Marvel have constructed their own box-office behemoth. Don't be surprised if it takes in as much as US$70 million on opening weekend.

- -By John Horn, Los Angeles Times

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The team which make the film - Iron Man - spent time, effort, and money to accomplish a popular movie. A rate of ticketing is higher than many movies. Compared with other movies, Iron Man gain much more profit, because it is top-grossing in the America even in the whole world. Iron Man is a box-office big movie.
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Useful Words:
3.expectation .

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Few weeks ago, My friends and I went to see the movie - Iron Man - in Miramar cinemas. It has a special attraction for me. The story of a play is tautness.
The story is talk about there is a person who has a hundred million personal wealth. He is an enterpriser and inventor. his company has a high prestige in the world. One day he grasped on both sides by the arms and he have no choice but to make a destructive weapon. He make a weapon and make an iron covering simultaneously, he is not only make a living to hisself but also assist many people who need help. Above-mentioned is a little plot of story.
I learned something from this movie is that maybe our brst friend or our partner for the sake of fame and wealth and sacrifice friend. And Iron Man is really great man he always try his best to help people, I think I should help people as possible I can.

2008年5月14日 星期三

A Musician of Many Cultures

I believe in the infinite variety of human expression.
I grew up in three cultures: I was born in Paris, my parents were from China and I was brought up mostly in America. When I was young, this was very confusing: everyone said that their culture was best, but I knew they couldn't all be right.
I felt that there was an expectation that I would choose to be Chinese or French or American. For many years I bounced among the three, trying on each but never being wholly comfortable. I hoped I wouldn't have to choose, but I didn't know what that meant and how exactly to "not choose."
However, the process of trying on each culture taught me something. As I struggled to belong, I came to understand what made each one unique. At that point, I realized that I didn't need to choose one culture to the exclusion of another, but instead I could choose from all three.
The values I selected would become part of who I was, but no one culture needed to win. I could honor the cultural depth and longevity of my Chinese heritage, while feeling just as passionate about the deep artistic traditions of the French and the American commitment to opportunity and the future.
So, rather than settling on any one of the cultures in which I grew up, I now choose to explore many more cultures and find elements to love in each. Every day I make an effort to go toward what I don't understand. This wandering leads to the accidental learning that continually shapes my life.
As I work in music today, I try to implement this idea — that the music I play, like me, doesn't belong to only one culture. In recent years, I have explored many musical traditions.
Along the way, I have met musicians who share a belief in the creative power that exists at the intersection of cultures. These musicians have generously become my guides to their traditions. Thanks to them and their music I have found new meaning in my own music making.
It is extraordinary the way people, music and cultures develop. The paths and experiences that guide them are unpredictable. Shaped by our families, neighborhoods, cultures and countries, each of us ultimately goes through this process of incorporating what we learn with who we are and who we seek to become. As we struggle to find our individual voices, I believe we must look beyond the voice we've been assigned, and find our place among the tones and timbre of human expression.

By Yo-Yo Ma

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He grew up in three cultures, everyone said that their culture was best, but he knew they couldn't all be right.
Rather than settling on any one of the cultures in which he grew up, he choose to explore many more cultures and find elements to love in each.
He work in music today, In recent years, he have explored many musical traditions.
He believes we must look beyond the voice we've been assigned, and find our place among the tones and timbre of human expression.

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Useful Words:

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I like to linten the music very much. Such as, Piano, violin, flute, trumpet, guitar, and so on. My parents buy some CDs many years ago, the CD contents are many music from Yo-Yo Ma. When I listen that CD, I feel comfortable and it can clam me down.
This article's main idea is CULTURE. I think different cultures have different feature and prerogatives, they have no definite "the best" or "the worst". Different cultures should communicate with each other instead of having antagonism.
I like to get in touch with the different cultures in many ways that I can widen my knowledge, enrich my experience, and broaden my horizons.
I love the culture in many country, city, and state. If oneday I had ability to touch in many cultures, I hope the way I get touch with is that I could travel around the world and to experience different cultures.

2008年4月25日 星期五

Time to get serious about the drug problem

Substance abuse has become a serious problem in Taiwan, but the issue has received far less attention than it deserves from people at high levels.
The gravity of the drug problem is evidenced by the prevalence of substance abuse in Taiwan's entertainment circles. Last year, several of Taiwan's best-known entertainers were arrested on drug charges and sentenced to forced rehabilitation. News reports of those events have aroused concerns, but rumors of drug use among performers persist.

For instance, Yao Tsai-ying, a well-known model, was questioned by the police last month after she was found to have had cellphone communication with a drug trafficker. Yao denied taking drugs and asked the police to investigate further to prove her innocence.
Anti-drug legislation in Taiwan is rather severe. Those who abuse or possess even soft drugs such as marijuana, LSD and MDMA are breaking the law. Penalties include jail terms involving forced rehabilitation.

Nevertheless, even the convictions last year of well-known personalities do not seem to have taught other entertainers to stay away from drugs. Entertainers found to be involved with drugs are often the idols of teenagers and children. Their misbehavior may easily be copied by adolescents. It is therefore important that efforts be made to curtail drug use and abuse among performers.
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Drug abuse has become a serious problem in Taiwan.The drug problem is evidenced in Taiwan's entertainment circles.
Anti-drug legislation in Taiwan is rather severe.Entertainers found to be involved with drugs are often the idols of teenagers and children. Their misbehavior may easily be copied by adolescents. Therefore, it is important that efforts be made to curtail drug use and abuse among performers.
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1.gravity - seriousness
2.prevalence - widespread, circulation
3.marijuana - a kind of narcotics
4.conviction - proof of guilt
5.curtail - reduce, shorten
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Useful Words:
1.entertainer - a player, an actor.
2.arouse - awaken, inspire.
3.trafficker - a seller who bargain something illegal.
4.prove - confirm, verify.
5.innocence - clear mind and honesty.
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After I read this article I have some thoughts:
I don't know why these days have more and more people like to drug abuse to erase the things they feel unhappy or evading the things bother them.
Drug abuse is a really bad things. It can harm people's health even make people die. Maybe drug abuse can evade the trouble for a short while. Maybe drug abuse can make people feel happy temporary. But I think it is not a real happy. After it, an affair is still exist. So I think if people had something tormented or unhappy people can complain to their friends or someone they trust. If people had some difficulties, people can find some people to help or try their best to overcome the difficulties. We can try many ways to solve the problems instead of drug abusing.

2008年4月24日 星期四

The Chance to Move Forward

I believe in chance.
Strings of unexpected encounters mark my life. I believe that chance has guided me — jolted me sometimes — onto paths I wouldn't have chosen but needed to follow, whether I knew it or not. Chance encounters have led me across continents and into unanticipated worlds.
At 21, I first visited Italy. As I struggled with a mouthful of college Italian to find the word for "towel" in a hostel one morning, an older woman laughed, straightened out my garbled attempts and invited me to her home. Chance gently pushed me and led me to a lifelong connection to her family, their small town of Castelfranco Veneto and, several years later, the opportunity to live there.
But chance is not always kind. When I was 25 years old, chance led an intruder to break into my home in the middle of a quiet spring night. The violence of that night and months of rehabilitation left me questioning how I could ever find meaning in such a vicious stroke of fortune. But in the years that followed, I drew even closer to my family and became a more empathetic friend. I relished the ability to walk, or even run, on my own. I did all the things I had always wanted to do: I pierced my nose, flew to Israel and hauled a rented grand piano up to my eighth-floor apartment. I lived a life in vivid moments. I followed the questions raised by the attack into graduate school, where today I continue to study and work for justice for victims of violence. I kept going, and meaning took hold in unexpected places.
As a student of religion, I read and write about people and texts that desperately seek cosmic order in a world of chaos. Coincidence threatens the divine order of creation and must be explained. For myself, I believe that chance creates order in the world. We can't choreograph life events, but we can clasp the hands of those who appear in our paths and see where they lead us. So many chance encounters have moved me forward, offering me direction and a sense of purpose — if I was willing to follow.
My belief in chance lets me see life as brimming with possibility: the person next to me in line at the airport who becomes a lifelong friend, the professor in the elevator who asks a provocative question or the soldier I meet at an outdoor café in Jerusalem who takes me on a romantic tour of the city, leaving me with an indelible memory.
And as much as I have resisted saying this for many years, even the unwelcome and cruel strikes of chance must somehow find their place in the order of our lives. Believing this — believing in chance — I can always pick up my body and move forward.

---by Maria Mayo Robbins

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The writer believe in chance. Chance encounters have led she across continents and into unanticipated worlds.
Chance pushed her and led her to a lifelong connection to people, closer to her family and became a more empathetic friend. Althogth chance is not always kind, it can always pick up one's body and move forward.
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1.string - connect, thread.
2.continent - island and ocean.
3. unanticipated - unexpected.
4.garbled - someone be confound and confuse.
5.intruder - people who invade or interfere.
6.rehabilitation - reformation, renewal, and improvement.
7.indelible - unforgettable
8.brimming - full

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Useful words:
1.encounter - meet, confront.
2.guide - lead, direct.
3.struggled - attempt, to try something hard.
4.opportunity - chance.
5.empathetic - having a bleeding heart.
6.desperately - to do something very hard. hopelessness.
7.coincidence - harmony

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I have some thought after I raed the article
There are many chance in our life. In spite of the chance is not always kind, it always can make people move forward. To me, I think I grasp some of chance but also lose some chance to make me to grow to maturity.
Everyone should cherish the chance we have, and use it well. Therefore, we can make progress to ourself and have advances.

2008年4月23日 星期三


Seen as symbols of strength, courage, determination and immortality since ancient times, Eagles are found throughout the world with the exceptions of Antarctica and Mew Zealand. Eagles are powerful birds renowned for their keen vision. All eagles have powerful sharp claws called talons as well as heavy hooked beaks or bills. This combination makes them feared predators as they swoop down from on high and attack small animal such as fish, rodents, birds, snakes, rabbits and even monkeys. The eagle uses its powerful talons and beak to tear apart prey that is too heavy to carry. Eagles also sometimes steal the catch of other predatory birds such as ospreys. Most of the 50 species of eagles are in the range of 2 to 3 feet long and have wingspans of approximately 6 feet.

Eagles lives in air or nests which they build high in trees or on rocky ledges inaccessible by other animals. The nest must be kept secure because young eagles are helpless for a long period after hatching and remain in the nest from 50 to 100 days depending on the species. Made of sticks and lined with leaves and grass, the same nest may be used by a pair of birds for a number of years. The female lays one to three brownish speckled eggs and these are incubated by both parents or just the female. Young eagles are covered in down and don’t develop adult coloration until they reach two years of age.

A particularly famous species of eagle is the Haliaeetus Leucocephalus or Bald Eagle which is the national emblem of the United States. The Bald Eagle is not fact bald and the moniker was applied because of the contrast between its while head and brown body. The Bald Eagle is extremely rare and for many years it was feared that this magnificent creature would become extinct, however, due to conservation efforts this tragedy has been averted. The Bald Eagle and eagles' natural enemies is human beings. Their natural habitats have all proved extremely dangerous to the survival of this majestic bird.
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Eagles are powerful birds renowned for their keen vision. All eagles have powerful sharp claws called talons as well as heavy hooked beaks or bills. This combination makes them feared predators as they swoop down from on high and attack small animal. Most of the eagles are in the range of 2 to 3 feet long and have wingspans about 6 feet.
Eagles lives in air or nests which they build high in trees or on rocky ledges inaccessible by other animals. The nest must be kept secure because young eagles for a long period after 50 to 100 days.
A particularly famous species of eagle is Bald Eagle.Bald Eagle and eagles in general have few natural enemies; it is human beings. Their natural habitats have all proved extremely dangerous to the survival of this majestic bird.
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1.talon - sharp nail.
2.speckled - something has spot
3.rodents - an animal which has big teeth. Like mouse
4.predatory - to catch the other animal and eat them to make a living.
5.incubate - hatch
6.moniker - nickname
7.habitats - natural home
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Useful Words:
1.immortality - deathless
2.majestic - grand
3.averted - prevent, prohibit, avoid, turn away.
4.magnificent - marvelous, impressive and wonderful.
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I feel eagles are very beautiful so I choose this article. Two years ago, I went to Kenting I saw a eagle fly in the air. I am very happy, because the eagle is close to me.
One day, I was in the dormitory, when I went to sink I saw three eagles stand on the skin. That is the second time the eagles near me. I am really happy that time and I feel exciting, because I think see an eagle nearly is an unusual occurrence.
This article make me understand eagle's quality. I feel eagel is very solemn and gorgeous.
I hope one day I can see many eagles fly in the air. It would be such a picturesque scenery.

2008年4月22日 星期二

An Airplane

People seldom realize the real impact of technology on our society. Take the airplane for example. Peolple excited about the opporunity to take wing leave the Earth, even only for a few minutes, invented the airplane. Over time, improvements were made in airplanes, and the idea of transporting the mail over long distances become popular. Suddenly mails could be transported across long distances in a matter of days instead of a matter of weeks or months. The airplane revolutionized how mail was delivered, but this was only the beginning.

Just as the idea moving the mail by plane become popular, someone realized that if you could move the mail by airplane, why not move people by airplane. Soon the passenger plane become popular and people could travel long distences in a short time via plane. Of course, it took some time for airline travel to really catch on as it was restricted by size by passengerplanes, which initially could carry only a few passengers on each flight. But as biggerr and passenger planes were built, air travel grew rapidly. Once airline companies realixed the potential enthusiasm for air travel, larger and larger airplane were built to carry more and more passengers. Suddenly every could travel by airplane.

But the greatest benefit of all has been the ability to travel to any place in the world by plane. This has allowed our world to be accessible to everyone. It truly result in the "It is a small world" concept.
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At first, airplane is an invention which can deliver the mail, mails could be transported across long distance in matter of day.
Airplane become popular people think it can not only deliver the mails but also can move people, Therefore, invent the plane which can carry people. But in the beginning, only a few people on each plane. Now travel is one of the amusements to peolpe in this time. So plane become lager and lager, moer and more people can move to lang distance via the airplane.
Airplane has allowed our world to be accessible to everyone. And turly result " It is a small world "concept.
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Useful Words:
1.transport - convey(send message to some place or to someone),
transit(someone or sonething from one place to another place).
2.revolutionize - reform, to change to improve
3.restrict - limit, confine, not free
4.initially - originally, start
5.accessible - reachable, attain easily
6.concept - thought, idea, opinion
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The reason why I choose this article is because I think it is really close to our life.
When I was five, is the first time I take an airplane to go abroad. When I was in the elementary, about the age of seven is the second time to take a plane. I went to America and Canada. I still remember that when I was in the airplane to America because it is long-distance, I ate four cups of instant noodles. I think that is the most delicious instant noodles I had ever eat. After these, I went to Japen, Singapore, and Korea by airplane. I like to take an airplane very much, because it means I will go abroad and have fun.
Airplane is really such a good invention. It can transport not only people but also goods and mail. People can communicate with they want to establish contact. It is very convenient. Airplane can make the world become small. I believe that airplane can further the interpersonal distance.

2008年3月24日 星期一

Stage Show

A pop star, the popular artist in Taiwan, he is Zhi-Xiang Luo. He born July 30, 1979. He has half of Amis Tribe descent. He grew up in a happy family.

He started playing drums at the tender age of 3 and performed onstage with his parents as a child. He won second place at a singing contest when he was only 7. Because of the nature instinct, he learned many music theory in a short time without the formal training from a teacher, which is different from most of singer.

At the age of 15, he entered the dance group become a professional dancer and had been a dancing partner for singers at that time. He joined the '4 Heavenly Kings imitation concert' in 1995 and managed to clinch 1st place. In 1996, he was a member of the group called 'Four Heavenly Kings'. The group was active in the following years before breaking up in 1998. In the same year, he joined another group named 'ROMEO' and was active in it until year 2000.

After two groups broke up, he still remains in the performance circle. He become a singer, a TV show's host, an acter in the TV play and in movies. He had also been a voice dubber. In 2003, he launched his solo debut and released his 1st album 'Show Time'. Form 2001 to now, he had already released 5 albums and held many concerts around Aisa.

Now he is 29 years old. During 14 years, he has many experiences in his show. He spent many time studying music and dancing steps. He presents everyone joyous atmosphere, fashion styles, and his earnest attitude. Because of his effort, he earned many awards, such as, New Singer Chart Sell Champion, Best Dancing Artist, Best Mandarin Singer, Hito's Most Popular Male Artist, and so on.

He said, "Everyone can regard our own life as a stage. As long as we try our best to perform, it would be the most beautiful SHOW."

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There is a brief introduction about Zhi-Xiang Lou. In his earlier life, he show on stage with his parents when he was a child. At the age of 15, he started his show business. In early periods he was a member a group. But the groups he joined were broke up. From 2000 to now he performed well by his own self and earned many awards.
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1.descent- parentage.
2.launch - start.
3.debut - opening.

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Useful Words:
1.training - educate.
2.perform- act.
3.earnest - sincere, serious.

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The reason why I choose the article is because I really do like him. He is a person I admire a lot. I like him not just because he is handsome but because he is an interesting person, he has a sense of humor, he always show filial devotion for his parents, he is conscientious about his work, and he always do his best on his show.Because his effort, he has achieved remarkable success in his show business.
He is the most shining star in my heart.

2008年3月20日 星期四

LV: A Symbol of High Fashion

In the world of fashion, nothing symbolize excellence like a designer creation by Louis Vuitton. Owned by few and envied by many, LV bags are a status symbol of wealth and enlargance across the world. Yet few people know that LV rose from humble beginnings to reach the park of modern style.

At age 14, full of bag dream, founder Louis Vuitton traveled 400 km on foot to reach Paris, France. After working as an apprentice for a luggage manufacturer, Vuitton opened his own store in 1854. His first creation was a lightweight, flat-topped trunk. Unlike the round-topped models of that time, they could be stacked and conveniently stored, and they also looked great. The response was tremendous, and Vuitton's business took off. But it was not until 1924 that LV would release its first bag, the Keepall, Which is still; in production today.

Surely, Vitton could never have imagined the fashion trend his brand would start. Today, celebrities like Paris Hilton and Madonna wouldn't be caught dead in public without their LV handbags.

Some owners even affectionately refer to their bags as their "Louis." But buyers should beware. Only 1% of the bags on the market are turely authentic. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, LV has received the highest praise the fashion world can offer.

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This artical has a brief introduction of LV, and how Louis Vuitton can succeed and has received the hightest praise from the fashion world. LV rose from humble beginnings.
Louis Vuitton was an apprentice in a factory, then he he opened his own store. Many years later, he released its portmanteau, the fashion trend his brand.
Now LV is a symbol of fashion.

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1.stack : pile.
2.affectionately : loving.
3.flattery : lip service.
4.apprentice : learner.
5.manufacturer : producer.

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Useful Words:
1.symbolize : represent.
2.take off : commence, begin.
3.authentic : real, true.
4.praise : compliment, compliment.
5.tremendous : enormous, great.

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After I read it, I have some thoughts:
Many famous brand are the symbol of wealth and noble. But the promoter not necessarily very rich. Most of them are poverty, they have a big dream and to achieve by their ownself.
I don't pursue for famous brand. But if I earn lots of money, I think I will reward myself for my hard work.
I also have a dream, I hope one day my dream can comes true.

2008年3月18日 星期二

Pixar:Designing Digtal Delight

The first thing viewers of Ratatouille will notice is how subtle the animation is. Despite the realistic appearance, everything from our lovable rodent hero to the shiny pots and pans of the gourmet kitchen is computer-generated. It could only be the work of company: Pixar Studios, the leader in digital animation.

Pixar began as a division of LucasFilm, owned by George Lucas, the director of Star Wars. During the 1980s, Pixar's designers spent thousands of hours in the studio, breaking new ground for digital animation. They work on special effects for movies such as Star Trek and Young Sherlock Holmes. The creative genius behind Pixar has been dircetor and animator John Lasseter. From day one, Lasseter focused on quality, hiring only the best animator and shooting for nothing short of perfection. Apple founder Steve Jobs believed in Pixar's potential and purchased the company in 1986.

Originally, Jobs wanted to steer the company in the direction of graphics hardware development. When this attempt failed, Pixar found itself on the brink of bankruptcy and had to rely on its animation department to pay this bills. After years of making animation commercials for LifeSavers, Tropicana and Listerine, Pixar's big break finally arrived.

Pixar's commercials caught the eye of Disney, which teamed up eith the small company to creat the full-lengh animation film Toy Story. Pixar's years of research and knowledge were finally put to the test, and the results were amazing. The film was a huge hit worldwide. Pixar followed this up by releasing seven additional films, including Finding Nemo and The Incredibles, both of which received critical acclaim and box office success.

One of the trademarks of Pixar film is its meticulous attention to detail. Lasseter believes that "Every movement in an animated scene must have a reason for being." For example, the team at Pixar spent months oberserving sea life before they began drawing the rough sketches for Finding Nemo.

Pixar also knows that fancy animation alone is not enough to create a great movie. Lasseter thinks the growth of the main characters is equally important. In Cars, for example, we watch the hero, Lightning McQueen, change from an arrogant rookie race car into a compassionate hero who cares for others.

Pixar's future looks bright. There are already plans in the works for Pixar's next release, a story about a robot named Wall-E. With its innovative graphics technology and superb attention story development and details, Pixar is sure to take us into many more previously unimaginable fantasy worlds.

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This article is talk about the develop of 3D animation. First Pixar is a division of LucasFilm. Pixar's commercials caught the eye of Disney, which tearmed up with the samll company to create film. Pixar focus on quality, employ the best staffs. It also attention to details, the team at Pixar spent months observing the creature before they began drawing.
It is not success at the very start. Because they use their brain and they are effort, now they success in work.
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1.subtle : delicate, something is really small and fine.
2.trademark : sign.
3.superb : magnificent, excellent.
4.rodent : an animal which has big teeth, such as mouse.
5.gourmet : someone who likes to teast delicious food.
6.meticulous : scrupulous, careful.
7.rookie : beginner

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Useful Words:
1.potential : possible, latent capacity
2.arrogant : too proud
3.compassionate : sympathetic
4.critical : comment
5.innovation : reformative, new.

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After I read this artical I have some thought:
I am interesting about movie and 3D Animation. I am very admire people who creat 3D animation. Cause it is very realistic. One day, I went to a movie theater saw a movie called ratatouille. In a screen, there has many mouses, a child in movie theater cried out when she saw the mouses. Because the mouses are lifelike.
I think it is hard to creat an animation. They spent many time studting how to draw and how to make a good movie. They are effort and always do their best to make a film. They attention to story development and detail.
The animation present us not only "intrersting" but also let us to have more sympathy and care for others.

2008年1月7日 星期一

Hilary Swank

Hilary Swank has always been a dreamer. But lately, her life has been a dream come true. She won the Oscar for Best Actress at last year's Academy Awards. As she accepted the award for Million Dollar Baby, her voice cracked with emotion. "I don't know what I did . . . to deserve this. I'm juat a girl from a trailer park who had a dream."
Hilary was born in 1974 in Lincoln, Nebraska. But soon after, her family moved to Bellingham, Washington. That is where the little girl's dreams began.

Hilary's early childhood was one of humble beginning. But the nature-loving young girl found joy in the beautiful scenery surrounding their trailer. Neighboring Lake Samish become one of her favorite getaways.
When she wasn't at the lake, Hilary played school sports. She turned out to be a strong athlete, winning 5th place in the state gymnastics competition. At the age of 9, she starred in her first play, the Jungle Book. And from that point on, she had the acting bug. She began performing regularly in school and communityplays.

Not everyone believed in Hilary's acting abilities. But her mom, Judy, wholeheartedly supported her. When Hilary's parents separated in 1990, Judy and Hilary moved to Hollywood. It was a difficult decision because they only had $75 and a gas credit card.
After arriving in L.A., they spent the first two weeks sleeping in their car. Judy quickly found a job. And Hilary enrolled in high school. She soon dropped out when she begam getting small TV roles. Eventually, Hilary finished her education through a correspondence course.

In 1992, Hilary landed her first movie role. It was the first of many small roles. But in 1999, her career changed dramatically. That's when she auditioned for and won the role play in Boys Don't Cry. Hilary's powerful performance earned her the Oscar for Best Acterss.
Surprising, her next few roles were forggetable-then Million Dollar Baby came along. In addition to the Best Actress award, she receive great praise from director and co-star Clint Eastwood, "She's the best there is, as good an actress as I've worked with," Eastwood said.

Hilary's friends describe her as completely down-to-earth-a movie star who rides the subway. "I use the subway all the time," she says. "My job is about playing people-watching in the world."
Hilary is keeping busy these days with three new movies in the works. The hard-working actress recently explained why she is so motivated.
"My mom said . . . I could do anything I wanted in my life-as long as I worked hard enough." Hilary is living proof her mom was right.

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The article is talk about that Hilary Swank--a young actress--is living the dream of a lifetime.
She has won the Oscar for the Best Actress twice,Because her hard-working, she made her dreams come true.
Although Hilary grew up poor, her mom supported her dream to become an actress.
Her friends describe Hilary as completely down-to-earth.

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Useful Words:
1.bug-to be fascinated, to be captivated
2.enroll-enter the school
7.celebrity-a well-known person
8.down-to-earth-realistic, simple in style

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After I read this article I have some thoughts:

Everyone has a dream. Wants to realize the dream, We have to pursue it surefooted and try our best, instead of waiting the dream to approach us and lives in a world of fantasy.
I have a dream, I want to go abroad to pursue advanced studies after I graduate from the university, after the studies I hope I can enter a dining management and food management company and be a manager in that company. Now, I study hard I practice English everyday and I have to learn second foreign language. Besides, I have to learn how to be a good leader in a group, and have a good organize ability. There are many things I have to learn. I hope one day my dream can come true.

2008年1月5日 星期六

An Angel Who Has The Disorder Of The Body

There is a well-known person I admire her named Yu-Hsin Yang. She is a news anchor, with her big eyes, beautiful feature, and professional manners, people would never image that when the broadcast is over, she will difficulty stand up.

At the age of 19, she was told by doctor that she had a sickness. It is a sickness causes the muscle shrink little by little, until eventually the heart stop beating. She suffer from this often feel weak and have trouble walking and moving. There is no cure.

All three children in Yang's family have the same illness. When the doctor told them that there is no hope, they cried many tears, but Yang says,"after the tears, you still have to stand up and get on with life."

Now, she is 30 years old, for the past 11 years, she has made the most of her situation. She learned to play the piano and Chinese flute. Besides, she working at the record company by morning and be a news anchor at night.

In addition, she is the spokesperson for the Taiwan Foundation of Rare Disorders and Taiwan Life Education Association. She has even formed a band to help the associates raise money by performance.

She lives each day as if it were her last, and worries about that she can't do for people who need her help. She says "Even though I sick, I fell I have gain more than I have lost." To many others, she may be fade away, but, to her, life is bright and brilliant.

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useful Words:
1.professional-vocational, occupational
2.feature-characteristic, trait
3.brilliant-resplendent, bright, and colorful

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After I read this article I have some thoughts:

Yu-Hsin Yang, she has an otherly abled, she never blame every and everybody and never be backward and have no urge to make progress but work hard and has optimistic attitude toward her life. She not olny has an enrichment life and do a lot for her own self but also do her best for people who need her help.
There are many well-known people are uniquely abled, they all have positive attitude toward their life, look their life on the bright side. For examples: Helen Keller who was blind and deaf, Ototake Hirotada he is a man has no arms and no legs, Feng-Xi Zheng he had a serious disability when he bron, and Liu Hsia she suffered from Rheumatoid arthritis - -an uncommon illness - - when she was 12 years old. They are unsound in body but sound in mind.
We are healthy, I think we should cherish what we have in hand.

To Handle The Situation On Our Own

In our everyday lives, it is good for us to become self-sufficient and to be able to handle a situation without calling out others to do somethinf for us. When I acquired a boat, I could see the importance of being able to repair something, use a navigation chart, and know how to spot navigational aids while under way. Today my truck's alternator stopped working and I discovered a part that transferred power from the engine via a fan belt was broken. On calling on the phone, I found that part was not readily available. I thought, "What would I do if I were on the boat?" Being a man of action I went to the parts store and asked for a bearing that would fill the pulley that broke. The part was slightly larger, so I had to grind it down to fit. Then I pressed it into the broken part with a vise. To make the retaining bolt work, I used a socket from my surplus tools to make needle bearings have something to turn on and hold the pulley in place. It worked!
If I had been out at sea, this repair would have been enough to get me safely to my home port and out of danger. A friend of mine says"Old School Sailors" go out and deal with what happens. Useful stuff, owning a boat!

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2.grind-to crush

Useful Words:
1.sufficient-enough, plenty, satisfactory
2.transfer-deliver, pass
3.surplus-extra, remaining
4.navigation-sail a boat at sea

*at sea:
1.He spent 3 month at sea.
2.(= confused) I'm rather at sea. Could you explain that again?

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After I read this article I have some thoughts:

In Taiwan, There is a saying, "You can depend on parents when you are at home and depend on friends when you are outside." It's means if a man had this idea, he will never succeed. Because he always rely on others. When he face the difficulties he can't hendle by himself.
When I was a child, I counted on my parents to do many things, I feel I can't be my own master. Now, I am 18, study in university from Kaohsiung to Taipei, I have to depend on myself instead of my friends. I become more and more independent and I have much more ability to deal with the problem what I face. I am so glad to see that I grow to maturity.

2008年1月2日 星期三

On Time

An office meeting starts at 10 a.m. Hans, a German colleage, is already waiting at 9:55. Nathan, an American, arrives on the dot at 10. In the next five minutes a few others hurry in. But trying everyone's patience is the visitor from Brazil, Rual, who walks in at 10:30. ahe doesn't even think he's late.
How people perceive time varies around the world. Germans like arriving early. Americans plan to arrive just on time. Brazilians aren't bothered by being a half hour late. And many don't know exactly what time it is.
In 1884, a clock in Greenwich, England, set the standard time around the world. But it couldn't standardize when people will arrive for a 10 a.m. meeting.

While cultural attitudes about time differ greatly, all curtures can put into one of two groups: time-oriented and event-oriented. Schedules take precedence in time-oriented cultures. In event-oriented cultures, what happens is more important than when. Such cultural knowledge is important for today's world travelers. Understanding how people perceive time can help travelers get along better in foreign cultures.

The Western world, particularly North America and Western Europe, is strongly time-oriented. Events take place at specific, scheduled times. Appointments a five minute leeway.
In time-oriented cultures, time is linear and limited. Imagine time as a conveytor belt carrying boxes past. Each box represents a segment of time. One must pack as much as possible into
each box before it slips into the past. Time must be "managed" well - otherwise it may get "wasted." And everywhere, people are "runnind out" of time.

In event-oriented cultures, meeting begin when everybody arrives and finish when all business done. Event are scheduled to begin "after dinner" or simple "tomorrow." This laid-back lifestyle characterizes people in Arab, African, Latin American and Southeast Asian countries.
Here, time is cyclical and unlimited. It begins anew every day, following the motion of the sun. Because time is unlimited, people in event-oriented cultures tend to value relationship more. Schedules quickly get set aside for a friend in need or even just a friend met on the street.

Not understanding these different ideas about time can creat conflicts between people of different cultures. For example, American students often quickly exchange "how are you?" and"fine" as they rush to make class on time. But event-oriented students see this exchange as impersonal. Before they can say anything mopre than "fine", the Ameriocan student has already hurried past them.
Time-oriented people doung business in event-oriented lands may cut to the chase too quickly. This offends event-oriented people, who prefer getting to know their associatea before discussing the details of a business of a business deal.
For those who believe "time is money," the slow pace of life in event-oritened lands can be frustrating. Since time-oritened people value productivity as lazy or inefficient.
Not having specific time for event also causes problems. Some Americans in Mexico were told a meeting would start "after dinner." They rushed through dinner so they could be on time, only to end up waiting for everybody else.
What can the world traveler do to avoid these time related conflicts? Follow the age-old rule: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

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It is talk about "On time" means different things around the world. And the way peoeple perceive time is different around the world. Cultures can be deacribed as either "time-oriented" or "event-oriented."
In time-oriented cultures, event takes place at specific, scheduled times. People preceive time as linear and limited.
In event-oriented cultures, what happened is more important than when. Because time is unlimited, relationship are more important.
These different ideas about time many cause conflicts between people of different cultures.

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Useful Words:
1.on the dot -on time
2.perceive -view...to...
3.standardize -to unify
4.precedence -priority, importance
6.characterize -to reveal something or someone's quality
7.set aside
8.impersonal -no friendliness
9.associate -the copartner
10.productivity :There have been enormous increases in agricultural productivity.
12.cyclical -revolving

1.-oriented -an intention
2.cut to the chase -to do or say something directly
3.when in Rome, do as the Romans do

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After I read this article I have some thoughts:

Different countries have different culturies and different concepts, in many aspects has different opinion. "On time" is no exception. To me, if I were hang out with my friends, and we want to meet at 12 o'clock, I will arrive about 12. But if I were in the company and have a meeting or an interview, and something important appointment I will go there ahead of time to show respect, politeness, and to have enough time to prepare what I should do.
If we were not in our country and made an appointment to others, I think we have to know a custom in that country. Do not bring about any trouble. So that, we can avoid misunderstand even quarrel. When in Rome, do as Romans do is a very important thing what we shoule do.